The dates for the Fall book sale are September 17-23, 2024. 

  • Members' Preview on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 3-7:30 p.m. (entry numbers will be distributed starting at noon)

  • Public Sale opens on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 10 a.m.

  • Book sale hours:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 19 from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, Sept. 20 from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

  • Friday, Sept. 21 15 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Saturday, Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (half-price day!)

  • Sunday, Sept. 23 from 1-4:30 p.m. ($10 bag sale!)

Mark your calendars. The Beatley book sales in 2025 are April 22-28 and Oct. 14-20. See you there!

The Friends graciously accept donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and more. 

Be sure donations meet the criteria of what can be accepted, check here, and contact the Friends if you are making a large donation so they can have enough volunteers on hand.

All items for sale have been donated by generous supporters like you (for our donation guidelines, please click here or scroll down). The money that the Friends raise at book sales pays for innovative programs, expanded collections, and state-of-the-art technology that the Library could not afford otherwise.

Two Huge Books Sales Every Year
Public health permitting, we hold two huge book sales every year where you can choose from over 30,000 books as well as CDs, DVDs, and audio books. Also, we hold smaller flash sales throughout the year. These sales focus on specialty areas like children's books, mysteries, or cookbooks. For your convenience, we accept credit cards, checks, and cash. Scroll down to read FAQs about the big Spring and Fall sales.

book sale

Members of the Friends of Beatley Central Library Shop First at Every Sale
Join or renew if you would like access to the exclusive members' preview that lets you shop a day ahead of the general public.

We Welcome Donations of Books, Audio Books, CDs, and DVDs in Good Condition, with Media Cases Intact.

Books and media that you donate to the library are sold at our book sales to raise money for Beatley. All donations need to be in good condition: clean, no water damage, mold-free, odorless, pages whole, binding intact, and free of highlights, underlining, and notes. Please check any box of books that has been in long term storage as many have hidden mold or other condition issues. Please leave your donation by Beatley's circulation desk in the designated area. If you plan to donate more than eight boxes of books and media at one time, please call the library at 703-746-1702 or email [email protected] so that we can be ready to receive them.

Donations We Can Use

  • Books - both Nonfiction and Fiction
  • Hardcover
  • Paperbacks (clean and not yellowed), especially current best sellers
  • Children's
  • Young Adults
  • Foreign Language
  • Large Print
  • Antique
  • Textbooks if less than 5 years old
  • Media - with Cases Intact
  • CDs in original cases
  • DVDs in original cases
  • Vinyl Records
  • Test prep guides (published within the last 2 years)

Donation Guidelines

Materials we cannot use (please recycle instead):

  • Encyclopedias, hardback dictionaries, yearbooks, and atlases
  • Professional or literary journals
  • Publisher’s advance proof or reading copies (law prohibits these from being sold)
  • Newspapers and newsletters, magazines
  • Maps and museum booklet guides
  • VHS/audio cassette tapes
  • Audiobooks
  • Homemade DVDs, CDs, videos, and tapes
  • Outdated finance, business, wellness, parenting, health, and travel books (more than 5 years old)
  • Outdated computer, technology, law, science, political opinion, and medical books (more than 2 years old)
  • Photo albums, blank journals or address books
  • Tiny or personalized gift books
  • Toys, games, and puzzles
  • Decorative household items

We Need Book Sale Volunteers Year-Round
If you would like to volunteer sorting books, we would love to have you. If you like music, movies, and/or TV, we could use you to sort CDs and DVDs. We have a schedule for sorting in-coming donations with volunteer shifts of 2-3 hours in either the morning or the afternoon. If you cannot commit to sorting every week, but would be willing to fill in when people go on vacation, please let us know. To volunteer, please email [email protected] with your name, the day you would like to work, and an alternate day too. Be sure to include your phone number. We also rely on volunteers to seek in-kind donations, advertise the book sale, and coordinate the dates of Beatley's sales with other libraries in Northern Virginia. Please email if you could help.

The Last Sale Was a Success
Thanks to the hard work of many volunteers, and a community that donated books and media and shopped, the Friends raised over $25,000 for the library during the Spring 2024 sale. It all goes to support Beatley.

book sale at library

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of things are for sale?

Hardback and larger format paperback books, children’s books, music CDs of many genres, movie and self-help DVDs such as exercise programs. Some sales have specialty items such as sheet music and home-schooling materials. All have been donated to the library by the public and sorted by volunteers, who ensure that materials at the sale are in good condition and reasonably current. Some are in like-new condition. There are thousands of titles available.

Where is the sale held?

Turn right inside the main library entrance. The checkout tables and shelves with media are in the hallway, and the main sale area is in the large meeting room at the end of the hall.

May I bring a stroller into the sale room?

The room is usually very crowded so strollers or carts must be left outside. Signs will indicate where strollers may be left. If you need assistance, one of the volunteers will show you the location.

Should I bring a shopping bag?

It’s very helpful to bring a sturdy tote bag or two to carry finds around the sale room as you continue browsing. The Friends have a tote available for sale for $3. It’s bright red with a Friends logo and made especially for carrying books.

How much do books cost?

Hardback books are $4, paperbacks are $3, and children's books are $1-3. CDs are $1 and DVDs are $3. Some special value books may cost more. The last day of the sale usually has a promotion with even greater savings.

How can I pay?

Sales volunteers can take cash, personal checks ($100 maximum) or credit cards (as long as the card has a chip).

Where does the money from book sales go?

One hundred percent of book sale income lets the Friends of Beatley Central Library support library programs and enhance library equipment and facilities.

More FAQs

How are things grouped? Will it be easy to find something specific?

Materials are grouped by broad categories such as novels, classics, or history and are clearly marked with tabletop signs. Sales volunteers can help you find books about specific subjects. The contents of any particular sale are dependent on donations from community members in the six months prior to the sale. Because of this, the number of books in any particular category may vary from sale to sale. Most sales have more than 25,000 books to choose from, so you are certain to find something you want to read.

Is there a best time to come to the sale?

Earlier times and days have the best selection. The display tables can only hold a fixed amount; further stock is added from storage as the sale progresses. It’s worth it to come a second time on a later day, as new books and media will be put out.

I’m a Member of the Friends of the Beatley Central Library. Do we have any benefit related to the sales?

Members of the Friends have a special preview day, before the sale opens to the public and have first choice of all the books and media on sale.

Can I become a Member of the Friends on the preview day and take advantage of the early entrance to the sale?

Absolutely! Individual Memberships are $15 and Family Memberships are only $25. You can join at the Membership table in the entry to the library.

What happens to materials left over at the end of the sale?

Some will go onto remainder sale shelves in the hallway for a few weeks after the sale. Many are donated to various nonprofits and charities in Alexandria.